Tech & Innovation

Reasons to Train Your Information Technology Department

Information Technology

Does your IT department lack cybersecurity and cloud computing skills? You’re not alone. Read about how the latest training trend can help fill your skills gap.  

IT industry statistics and surveys reflect a dire need for training and development. According to top-rated blogs, Amazon has announced plans to invest $700 million in employee development programs for 100,000 of its U.S. staff by 2025.

Up to 66 per cent of worldwide executives see the need to make training and development a priority, yet only 16 per cent believe they have the skills necessary to administer this training.

In addition, 79 per cent of chief executive officers admit anxiety about whether employees possess key skills.

Reasons for Training Needs

The reasons for the skills gap include:

  1. The introduction and increased adoption of artificial intelligence (AI).
  2. Increased adoption of AI-related machine learning.
  3. Increased prevalence of digital and modern practices.
  4. Need to defend against cybersecurity threats.

Ilan Sredni, owner of Palindrome Consulting shares “While these reasons are often at the forefront of chief information officers’ and technology directors’ minds, there is also the problem of finding employees that match the cultures of organizations. This is a general talent acquisition and retention concern, as current generations remain at a company or job for an average of two to three years.”

Necessary Skills

As the IT industry changes, new skills related to cloud computing, mobile apps and services have taken centre stage. Consequently, more organizations are struggling to fill open technical positions within 25 days or less. It is now estimated that 60 per cent of firms rely on cloud computing for mission-critical services. 

Skills related to cybersecurity are also in high demand with a lack of supply. Studies show there are 2.93 million open positions related to cybersecurity that continue to remain vacant.

The main reason is the amount of training and development necessary to not only be knowledgeable but to remain competent as threats become more advanced.

Training Trends

Nick Nouri, from CompuNet Infotech, who works with internal IT teams throughout BC’s lower mainland shares, “Due to the fact that IT departments tend to be understaffed and lack resources, many leaders are beginning to adopt a different kind of training model. That model focuses on augmenting or supplementing the skills of existing staff.

This means shifting resources towards managed service providers that possess the skills and resources that the current staff does not.

While this can either be employed as a short-term or long-term solution, waiting to fill skills gaps in cybersecurity and cloud computing can cost more. Managed service providers can step in to provide the resources you need now while you take the time to develop your current staff.”

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